The Full Monty 24/7/365

Your dedicated workplace, 24/7 access, 365 days a year for 1.200 CHF / Month

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1.200 CHF / Month

Only 40 CHF / Day !

The service includes:

24/7 access to the salon on all 365 days of the year - Work as much and unlimited as you want!
Use of the workplace, our furniture and all common spaces.
The workplace consists of a hairdresser chair, mirror, working place, a rolling cabinet with hair dryer.
Use of the joint wash basins, hair dryers and towels.
Use of electricity, water and wifi.
Use of locker room with personal locker.
Use of kitchen with free coffee, tea and water.
Your name, picture and dedicated booking link on our website and inside the salon.

Make a reservationreserve your seat

Book your membership today

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss all the details and answer any questions you might have.

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We will contact you within 48 hours!

Thank you for your interest in Hairspace. We would love for you to join our co-working community for hairdressers. We will contact you within 48 hours to discuss all the details and answer any questions, you might have.
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Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions answered ? If not, contact us at

How can I make book my seat?                          

Either contact us at or contact us via our contact form.

What services are included?

Top location. Move-in ready workplaces. All-inclusive services.
The service includes:
Access to the salon on the days you reserved.
Use of the workplace, our furniture and all common spaces.
The workplace consists of a hairdresser chair, mirror, working place and a rolling cabinet with hair dryer.
Use of the joint wash basins, hair dryers and towels.
Use of electricity, water and wifi.
Use of locker room with personal locker.
Use of kitchen with free coffee, tea and water.
Your name, picture and dedicated booking link on our website and inside the salon.
Strategically placed location at the corner of the Barfüsserplatz in Basel with a lot of passersby.
Walk-in customers or customers booking via our website will be assigned to the first available hairdresser. Ideal to build and increase your personal customer base!

Who is this for?

You must be working independantly and be registered as such, either as Einzelfirma or GmbH.
Ideally you have several years of experience and you can work fully independant.
You would like to be part of a thriving community of hairdressers.

Should I choose an Einzelfirma as legal form?

The sole proprietorship (Einzelfirma) is the most popular legal form in Switzerland because it is uncomplicated to set up. In order to obtain self-employed status, entrepreneurs can submit an application to the AHV at the place where the activity is carried out. An entry in the commercial register is required for an Einzelfirma with a turnover of CHF 100,000 or more.

Advantages of an Einzelfirma:
Uncomplicated, informal activity
One person can be the owner, so there is no need to comply with company law provisions
No minimum capital is required
Pension fund withdrawal possible
No double tax burden on income and assets
Disadvantages of an Einzelfirma:
Unlimited liability of the owner with personal assets
Partners cannot participate in the company
In some cantons, no child and education allowances are paid
No unemployment benefit
If the sole proprietorship is entered in the commercial register, the family name must be visible.

Should I choose a GmbH as legal form?

A limited liability company (GmbH) is a company with its own legal personality in which one or more persons join together to form a company. This is established with the obligatory entry in the commercial register, whereby the shareholders and thus the owners of the share capital are entered by name in the commercial register. At least one partner and one managing director must be entered in the commercial register, whereby both positions can be held by the same person. A managing director with signing authority must be resident in Switzerland.

Advantages of a GmbH:
Liability only with the contributed share capital
Several shareholders possible
Simple transfer of the shares
Low minimum capital (CHF 20,000)
Fantasy name possible (the addition "GmbH" is mandatory)
Better insurance cover than with a sole proprietorship (unemployment insurance, UVG, BVG)
Disadvantages of a GmbH:
Lack of anonymity of the shareholders
Compliance with company law provisions
Taxation at GmbH and company level (double taxation)
In contrast to a sole proprietorship, you cannot withdraw pension fund assets in advance when setting up a GmbH.

Hairspace versus your own salon?

Opening your own salon is the dream of many but comes with a significant investment and risk.
To open your own salon, you would need to:
Establish a limited liability company (GmbH) to mitigate your risks.
Have at least a minimum capital of CHF 20,000.
Ensure you have the right insurances in place.
Have an accountant to support your accounting needs.
Rent a location, often with minimum contracts of 5 years and 6 months deposit.
Take over an existing salon or buy new furniture.
Have a minimum of 5 to 10 customers per day or 100 to 200 per month.

With Hairspace and our co-working / Stuhlmiete model, you can start your own, independant journey with limited risks.
How do we help you on your journey:
No immediate need for a GmbH. An Einzelfirma is sufficient.
No minimum capital required. No long rental agreements.
Our minimum contract agreement is only for 4 weeks.
Our deposit is just 4 weeks or month.
You can cancel at any time with a 4 week notice.
Through our partnership with Zurich Insurance, we can advise you on the right insurances.
If you have any accounting needs, our accountant can help you out.
No need to invest in furniture or buy an existing salon. Just use our ready-made workplaces.
You can start with just one day a week as a side job to built your own customer base.
Through our location in the heart of Basel, the walk-in customers are all yours (and your other co-workers).
No non-compete in place. If you decide to move to your own salon, you can take your customers with you.
We provide social media support to build your own brand.
Simply said: We are here to make you successful!

Is "Stuhlmiete" legal in Switzerland?

Yes, it is legal under specific circumstances. A lot of questions are being asked about the concept of "Stuhlmiete". The concept of Stuhlmiete as such is not illegal. The problem is caused by the "Scheinselbständigkeit".
The question of Stuhlmiete and Scheinselbständigkeit is covered in the annex of the GAV. You can find a copy of the GAV on the website of On page 29, the concept is explained.
The problem of "Scheinselbständigkeit" mostly concerns if you rent a chair ("Stuhlmiete") in an existing salon as the bounderies between the owner of the salon, his/her employees and yourself as the one renting the chair is very vague.
At Hairspace, we deliberately take all precautions to avoid any doubt:
Hairspace is not a traditional salon and does not employ any hairdressers directly.
Hairspace is working according to a co-working model, very much like you rent a hotel or office space, you rent a workplace at Hairspace.
All members of Hairspace need to be registered as an independant. Either through an Einzelfirma or through a GmbH.
All members are free to organize their own work, define their working hours and use the products they prefer. Hairspace just provides the location and infrastructure.
Each member can define their own services and price list.
All members are visible as independant on the Hairspace website and inside the salon.
All members are free to move with their customers to their own salon after terminating the agreement with Hairspace.
Hairspace is there to make any hairdresser successful!

How much can I earn as an independent hairdresser?

Based on our estimations, you can earn significantly more as an independent hairdresser.
Using averages, for a full time pensum, we estimate you can earn about 110.000 - 120.000 CHF per year. Deducting all costs, insurances, social security payments, etc., you can earn netto about 80.000 CHF. This is significantly more than the average of 60.000 CHF brutto, you earn as a employee.
We created a full calculation to provide full transaparency and to allow you to make calculations based on your own experience. You can find our calculation here.